There are many ways our organisations can work together to develop a meaningful partnership and change lives.
Staff led fundraising is a great way for your entire team to get involved in making a difference. Get your teams creative juices flowing and and brainstorm ideas for events or fundraising drives that everyone can play a part in. Whatever your team chooses, we are on hand to provide the support, guidance and materials you may need.
If you don’t have the resources or time to host your own fundraising event, your organisation may wish to make a Corporate Donation. Your support will help us to deliver enhanced services and provide innovative responses to new needs that arise in our community.
A great way to celebrate the fundraising efforts of your staff team is by matching the funds that they raise. Matched giving shows that you stand behind your team and the causes that they support.
We are continuously working to develop our services due to the huge volume of people who require our support and their wide range of needs. Gifts in kind will enable your company to contribute to our work in a way that is appropriate both for you and the SWIC community we serve.
We are grateful to all volunteers who generously give their time by volunteering and supporting our activities across Ireland. Whoever you are there is a way you can add value to what we do!
We welcome volunteers with all types of skills and expertise. If you are interested in supporting our fundraising efforts we would particularly love t
We are grateful to all volunteers who generously give their time by volunteering and supporting our activities across Ireland. Whoever you are there is a way you can add value to what we do!
We welcome volunteers with all types of skills and expertise. If you are interested in supporting our fundraising efforts we would particularly love to hear from you. You can reach us on 01 4536098 or email
As a charity seeking donations from the public, we aim to comply at all times with the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public, as issued by the Charities Regulator. Our pledge is to treat all our donors with respect, honesty and openness. It is as crucial to us as it is to you.
It is critically important to
As a charity seeking donations from the public, we aim to comply at all times with the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public, as issued by the Charities Regulator. Our pledge is to treat all our donors with respect, honesty and openness. It is as crucial to us as it is to you.
It is critically important to us that we maintain the highest standards when we receive donations from our generous supporters.
We have committed to a set of principles to enable you, as our donor, to maintain a full level of support and appreciation for and from The Liberties Community Project.
We commit to being accountable and transparent so that our past, present and future donors can have full confidence in us.
The Liberties Community Project
Charity Number: CHY 7015 | Charity Regulator Number: 20014223 | CRo 115749
Copyright © 2024 The Liberties Community Project - All Rights Reserved.
The Liberties Community Project is a proud member of Dublin City Community Coop
Website created by Alison Fernandes